Biometadata Crashcourse

First steps towards FAIR (meta)data descriptions, ontology terms and data deposition

Maja Magel
Charlie Pauvert


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Biometadata Crashcourse: First steps towards FAIR (meta)data descriptions, ontology terms and data deposition

About us

Lectures created by

  • Charlie Pauvert
  • Maja Magel
  • input from helpers & participants of previous Biometadata Workshops


  • first attempt at very short workshop version
  • alternating information about concepts and hands-on exercizes

Code of Conduct

From the The Carpentries Code of conduct:

  • Use welcoming and inclusive language
  • Be respectful of different viewpoints and experiences
  • Gracefully accept constructive criticism
  • Focus on what is best for the community
  • Show courtesy and respect towards other community members

You will learn

  • how to prepare the necessary metadata according to FAIR principles to ease the upload of your data to a public repository of your choice
  • how to identify and apply minimal metadata standards
  • FAIR descriptions of your datasets – Ontology terms and how to use them

What are your expectations?

What is your background with data deposition and what are your expectations? Note them in the pad.

A beginner’s guide to metadata and ontologies

Modern biology = big data?

big data vs data-centric

Book cover Data centric biology by Leonelli S.

[…] the real source of innovation in current biology is the attention paid to data handling and dissemination practices […] rather than the emergence of big data and associated methods per se. Leonelli (2016, 1)

Nothing is ever new

Is the attention to data handling and standardization really new in modern biology?

Model Organisms as seen by Vincent Van Gogh illustrated by SketchingScience

Model organisms

  • Standardization focuses research efforts (and funds)
  • But does not prohibit studying different organisms
  • Quick start research on other organisms reusing findings in model organisms

Key to reusability success: curated data description and published (meta)data

Success story

Earth Microbiome Project

100 individual studies decontextualised but recontextualised for new insights!

Figure 1 EMP paper

1. Where should you publish your data?

Data repositories

  • Curated and well-described that stays on your hard drive is of limited interest to the scientific community.

  • National and international efforts exist to create and maintain data repositories for the life sciences.

  • For nucleotide sequence data, the INSDC integrate and mirrors data repositories from three regions:

    • USA with the NCBI

    • Europe with the EMBL-EBI

    • Japan with the DDBJ

Exercise: Data repositories


  • Report the repository in the pad

  • homework: Where do your peers usually publish their data?

  • alternatively follow NFDI4Microbiota’s concise cheatsheet

A wizard LEGO piece

2. Depositing data means adding descriptive metadata

Metadata definition

Metadata are data about the data, or a “love note to the future” (Scott 2011).

Metadata are “reliability labels(Leonelli 2016, 28)

Types of metadata:

  • Descriptive: what is the data? e.g., title, description

  • Structural: how the data is organized? e.g., file, collection

  • Administrative: what is the provenance? e.g., versions, license

  • Quality: How good is the data? e.g., quality rank

Exercise: metadata


  • List 1-4 metadata that you have already encountered

  • Write them in the pad under one of the four types

Let’s choose ENA and figure out our required metadata

Metadata fields

  • A column header expects one or more cell values
  • A metadata field expects one or more values
Metadata field Type of constraint
description free-text
geolocation coordinates
biome ontology term

Metadata standards

  • Fields are organized into coherent metadata standard for a given type of data

    • e.g., genomes, soil samples
  • They are built and maintained by a combination of stakeholders

    • e.g., users community, data repositories

Standards expectations

Metadata standards (should) indicate for each field:

  • the description of the metadata field

  • the level of requirements (mandatory, recommended, optional)

  • the cardinality, that is the range of expected values for the metadata field

  • a persistent identifier for the field

Exercise: Metadata standards


Minimal requirements

  • The set of mandatory fields is sometimes referred to as the minimal requirements.

  • Filling out these requirements and all the optional metadata fields would be ideal (if only possible) but is time-consuming

  • NFDI4Microbiota started to collect overlap of minimal metadata fields across different platforms, data types and biological & environmental metadata

Exercise: Requirements


  • Given only the mandatory fields, do you think you could recontextualise the data properly?
  • List your arguments in the pad & note down necessary metadata fields to enhance the understanding for your dataset
Overview of mandatory fields for the ERC000013 metadata standard

ENA Browser for host-associated metadata requirements (ERC00013)

Reusability requires context & metadata

Biological context

Biology is highly contextual (few rules, many exceptions), meaning context is the key point to address to make data travel across research investigations.

Why should you share this information?


In space, no one can hear you scream.

In data repositories, no one can hear your data description. Take the time to describe your data for humans and machines to understand!


not applicable meme

Environmental metadata according to established metadata standards

MIxS lists three mandatory environmental metadata fields that expect ontology terms.

Metadata field Abbreviation Definition
broad-scale environmental context env_broad_scale global correlation; ecosystem
local environmental context env_local_scale in local vicinity; causal influences
environmental medium env_medium immediate surroundings of your sample during sampling
Metadata field Abbreviation Recommended use of subclasses from
broad-scale environmental context env_broad_scale biome [ENVO:00000428]
local environmental context env_local_scale deeper hierarchy than broad-scale (UBERON terms accepted)
environmental medium env_medium environmental material [ENVO:00010483]

3. Describing human and machine-readable data

Focusing on biological and environmental metadata

What can you tell us about the biological & environmental provenance of your dataset or sample?

Where are your samples from? Do you use a model organism?

How can you make this information machine-accessible?

Why bother with ontologies?

  • increase findability of your dataset
  • improve machine-readability of your datasets
  • help others correctly categorize & re-use your datasets > recontextualization
  • required by data repositories
  • first step towards open linked data and knowledge graph representations

Having fun with ontologies

Let’s talk about…

Having fun with ontologies

Ontology definition

  • List of terms, usually taken from the scientific literature

  • Ontology terms:

    • have curated textual definitions and synonyms

    • are arranged in a hierarchy from general to specific

    • have defined relationships with others terms (e.g., is_a, has_condition)

    • have persistent identifiers

    • can be cross-referenced with other resources (ontology or not)

  • Ontology should reflect existing knowledge

Search terms in ontologies

You can find terms in ontologies using the search bar of:

OLS search screenshot

NCBO BioPortal search screenshot

Ontology Lookup Service

OLS is the official ontology service of the EMBL-EBI

  • EMBL: European Molecular Biology Laboratory
  • EMBL-EBI: EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute

Demonstration: navigating OLS for term “intestines” in UBERON, ENVO

Ontology definition as demonstrated with the term “intestine”

Results, we found the term

intestine [UBERON:0000160]

in both ontologies UBERON and ENVO (as imported term from UBERON)

The correct writing convention for ontology terms and their term identifiers is: > term [ontology-acronym:sequence-number], e.g. intestine [UBERON:0000160]

Exercise: Ontology browser

Task: using Ontology Lookup Service v4

  • Look-up the following keywords in that order via the search bar: pond, ear and leaf

  • Select a term for each using these ontologies:

    • Uber-anatomy ontology (UBERON)

    • Plant Ontology (PO)

    • Environmental Ontology (ENVO)

  • Report the term and the term identifier in the pad

painting of a pond la grenouillere by auguste renoir

Exercise: Find your ontology terms & connect the dots

Can we start the next lesson on selecting ontology terms for YOUR dataset descriptions?

TASK: Pick any 3 terms from your dataset description.

  • Note them in the pad.
  • Browse the OLS and find 1-2 suitable ontology terms for each.
  • Add the ontology term identifiers to the pad.
  • You have 5 minutes.
  • Share your experiences.
  • Who used an ontology besides UBERON, ENVO and PO? And why?

Reminder: Selective ontology terms for env & biological metadata

MIxS lists three mandatory environmental metadata fields that expect ontology terms.

Metadata field Abbreviation Recommended use of subclasses from
broad-scale environmental context env_broad_scale biome [ENVO:00000428]
local environmental context env_local_scale deeper hierarchy than broad-scale (UBERON terms accepted)
environmental medium env_medium environmental material [ENVO:00010483]

Exercise: Env* metadata

broad scale vs local env context

Task alone or by pairs:

  • Browse ENVO or UBERON (see previous table)

  • List ontology terms fitting your data

  • Fill out the following template on the pad:

    • env_broad_scale

    • env_local_scale

    • env_medium

  • trouble finding an appropriate term downstream of the recommended class? See instructions of using other ontologies with the MIxS standard

Consolidating your metadata with DataHarmonizer

  • Data and metadata collection can be crucial (e.g., COVID-19)

  • DataHarmonizer: a super spreadsheet to help (Gill et al. 2023)

Main features

  • Load metadata standards

  • Fill the template

  • Validate your metadata against the template

NMDC submission portal

  • National (USA) Microbiome Data Collaborative

Leverage DataHarmonizer to lower barriers to collect, study and biosample data

  • Not going to use it for data submission but data description!

  • Receive guidance on how to meet standards

Submission portal Demo

An otter dataset

  • Sample: feces collected in the wild
  • Model system: Eurasian river otter (Lutra lutra)

See the “full” methods section in the pad!

otter next to a river



your turn!

In a nutshell


  • Metadata are important for re-usability of your data.
  • Ontologies help scientists and machines to use common terms to help generalize your data.

Take-home message

as much as possible, as little as necessary

Working FAIRly takes time and effort1

How much metadata is necessary to understand your research and to enable (inter-) disciplinary research?

FAIR data takes time

meme about how fair data takes time

FAIR data is a process

“Even if you don’t know how to go all the way to zero-to-60 open science, zero-to-20 is also really good

Ellen Bledsoe in Perkel (2023)

kitten learning to hunt


Gill, Ivan S., Emma J. Griffiths, Damion Dooley, Rhiannon Cameron, Sarah Savić Kallesøe, Nithu Sara John, Anoosha Sehar, et al. 2023. “The DataHarmonizer: A Tool for Faster Data Harmonization, Validation, Aggregation and Analysis of Pathogen Genomics Contextual Information.” Microbial Genomics 9 (1).
Leonelli, Sabina. 2016. Data-Centric Biology: A Philosophical Study. Chicago ; London: The University of Chicago Press.
Osumi-Sutherland, David, Nicole Vasilevsky, Alex Diehl, Nico Matentzoglu, Matt Brush, Matt Yoder, Carlo Toriniai, et al. 2023. “Introduction to Ontologies.”
Perkel, Jeffrey M. 2023. “How to Make Your Scientific Data Accessible, Discoverable and Useful.” Nature 618 (7967): 1098–99.
Scott, Jason. 2011. “The Metadata Mania.” ASCII by Jason Scott.
Thompson, Luke R., Jon G. Sanders, Daniel McDonald, Amnon Amir, Joshua Ladau, Kenneth J. Locey, Robert J. Prill, et al. 2017. “A Communal Catalogue Reveals Earth’s Multiscale Microbial Diversity.” Nature 551 (7681): 457–63.