Data descriptions examples

Maja Magel
Charlie Pauvert


The group’s presentations

First: Briefly present your dataset

What is your sample? What is your model organism?

  • get in groups of 4-5 people
  • each presents/ describes their dataset description in max. 2 min
  • you are allowed to free-style or show slides
  • your group can ask brief follow-up questions
  • continue until done or time runs out
  • Your time starts now!

Reflect silently for yourself and select the dataset presentation that you liked and were able to understand the best.

I will countdown and you will point at the person you selected, in 3-2-1-NOW.

Presentation of the selected datasets in front of the whole group


In space, no one can hear you scream.

In data repositories, no one can hear your data description. Take the time to describe your data for humans and machines to understand!


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