From the general to the specific:
OntoBee is more targeted to developers
NCBO BioPortal has mostly biomedical ontologies
is a community of Open Biology and Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) that share principles and practices
are used by many and maintained by few.
have non-overlapping terms in relation with others ontologies
are responsive to changes by the scientific community
A usable and reliable ontology
Task using http://obofoundry.org
(optional) List the dependencies of the ontology and the one of your neighbor
A classification [or any standard] fit to support data journeys needs to be dynamic enough to support the ever-changing understanding of nature acquired by the biologists who use it and at the same time stable enough to enable data of various sorts and significance to be quickly surveyed and retrieved. Leonelli (2016, 116)
Your edge case can help others!
Either way, you need to contact the maintainers of the ontology
NTR: New Term Request
Choose one and skim through the discussion
List the information required for a type of contribution
(optional) Find the template or recommendations for contribution
(optional) What about for UBERON?
Ontologies need to be maintained (funding)
Ontologies need to be updated to reflect current knowledge. This needs engaged biologists!
Limited accessibility because scientists needs adequate infrastructure and to speak English
Sometimes ontologies are not needed (Malone et al. 2016, see Rule 10)
Still, worth trying out ontologies, especially if they are used by metadata standards in your field!
Going further with ontologies