Let’s talk about…
cake [ENVO:02000063]
pie [44315]
gene that encodes the pineapple eye protein (fruit fly) [PR:Q9VKW2]
?List of terms, usually taken from the scientific literature
Ontology terms:
have curated textual definitions and synonyms
are arranged in a hierarchy from general to specific
have defined relationships with others terms (e.g., is_a
, has_condition
have persistent identifiers
can be cross-referenced with other resources (ontology or not)
Ontology should reflect existing knowledge
Task: Choose one of the definitions below and, if necessary add any missing features.
An ontology is:
A dictionary with persistent identifiers
A network of scientific definitions
A controlled vocabulary with synonyms
You can find terms in ontologies using the search bar of:
OLS is the official ontology service of the EMBL-EBI
Demonstration: navigating OLS for term “intestines” in UBERON, ENVO
Results, we found the term
intestine [UBERON:0000160]
in both ontologies UBERON and ENVO (as imported term from UBERON)
The correct writing convention for ontology terms and their term identifiers is: > term [ontology-acronym:sequence-number], e.g. intestine [UBERON:0000160]
Task: using Ontology Lookup Service v4
Look-up the following keywords in that order via the search bar: pond, ear and leaf
Select a term for each using these ontologies:
Uber-anatomy ontology (UBERON)
Plant Ontology (PO)
Environmental Ontology (ENVO)
Report the term and the term identifier in the pad
Navigate to 1-2 of the following terms:
Inspect the term page
Associate parts of the OLS interface with the expected features of an ontology
Let’s test your understanding of the features team vs. team
Learning objectives achieved?
Can we start the next lesson on selecting ontology terms for YOUR dataset descriptions?
TASK: Pick any 3 terms from your dataset description.
Connect the dots to repository metadata fields
MIxS lists three mandatory environmental metadata fields that expect ontology terms.
Metadata field | Abbreviation | Definition |
broad-scale environmental context | env_broad_scale |
global correlation; ecosystem |
local environmental context | env_local_scale |
in local vicinity; causal influences |
environmental medium | env_medium |
immediate surroundings of your sample during sampling |
Metadata field | Abbreviation | Recommended use of subclasses from |
broad-scale environmental context | env_broad_scale |
biome [ENVO:00000428] |
local environmental context | env_local_scale |
deeper hierarchy than broad-scale (UBERON terms accepted) |
environmental medium | env_medium |
environmental material [ENVO:00010483] |
Task alone or by pairs:
Browse ENVO or UBERON (see previous table)
List ontology terms fitting your data
Fill out the following template on the pad:
trouble finding an appropriate term downstream of the recommended class? See instructions of using other ontologies with the MIxS standard